Comfort + Fitting Aids

Insoles, heel grips and heel halters can tweak how your shoes fit and feel. Browse below products to add extra comfort, cushioning, support or reduce slippage.

Two fluffy white fleece insoles.
Yellow and tan rounded triangle heel cushions
Small rounded rectangle shaped heel grips showing soft grey and sticker sides
Pedag International's viva Mini insoles that are 3/4 of foot in tan outside of the packaging
Box of leather premium insoles.
Premium wide Green insole by Superfeet has lime green line pattern footbed and thick green and grey bottom
Premium Green insole by Superfeet has lime green line pattern footbed and thick green and grey bottom
Unisex New Balance insoles show one beigefootbed flat and other on side showing thick grey and black bottom (by Superfeet)
A pair of blue insoles with arch support. Cloud Footwear logo on heel.
Box containing Artic Wool Thermal insoles.
Rubber ice grips with metal spikes and around the foot stretch sections
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